Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Last blog I talked about my bout with anger: I’m happy to report that Eric and I are good. It did make for a great conversation about only asking questions that you wanted a truthful answer to, or at least don’t ask questions you don’t want answered truthfully.

This week I’ve been reading about ungodliness. According to Jerry Bridges ungodliness as an attitude toward God, “ungodliness may be defined as living one’s everyday life with little or no thought of God, or of God’s will, or of God’s glory or of one’s dependence on God.” How do I live my “everyday life” thinking of God always, totally dependent on God? I think this is what Paul meant when he said pray without ceasing, and it’s hard to wrap my mind around. Always, all the time, every moment, dependent on God, that’s how I want to live, but do I?

I’ve spent my life trying to be independent; I’ve raised my children to be independent. Now, be dependent. This Christian walk is truly a journey. I guess instead of following a map that we have control over we need to invest in GPS. That way we are always plugged into Him. We learned to actually hear and obey that voice that says, “off course, please turn around.” I think He is speaking to us like that. Maybe that’s the picture of Godliness, we hear and obey the voice, however, more often than I would like, I mute the voice to continue on my course that seems better or quicker…Oh God that we would hear your voice and make those course corrections soon, and quickly so that we would know quickly the way you would have us to walk.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Blog???

OK, for several years now, yes I said years, I've considered writing a blog. My first thought is, "why would anyone want to read what I am writing?"...it feels a bit presumptuous. I am caving to the electronic peer pressure, however, and this is the first entry to my blog. Who knew there were so many decisions to make when setting up a blog? What will it be called? My teenage daughter suggested: A Day in the Life of a Middle-Aged Mom. What!! It was quickly followed by, "lol, I love you." As you may have guessed, this whole conversation takes place on text. We humans just converse through the typed written word--blogging, texting... I chose Lisa's Leanings. My son, also a teenager, expressed his feelings with a stifled guffaw. He couldn't think of anything better though. Once a title is chosen, a color scheme and design is picked and then I can begin writing.

Why now? I've been reading a book, Respectable Sins, Confronting the Sins We Tolerate, by Jerry Bridges. This week in my Sunday morning class I will begin a teaching series on this book. It's a great time to write about what God is teaching me as I begin to look at my "respectable" sins. It's very easy to point the finger, as I'm reading, at others I think these particular sins may represent, but I've been challenged to hold up the mirror to myself. This self reflection enables me to see the places God can work. Here is an example of where God is at work:

Last night, on my Facebook, a friend posted pictures from her wedding 21 years ago, in which I was a bridesmaid. As I looked at the pictures I realized I was 50 lbs lighter back then. It was more than a little depressing. I looked at my loving husband and said, "do you wish I were 50 lbs. lighter now?" He said, "don't you?" OK, I don't think he meant it the way it came out, but I was IMMEDIATELY angry! I think it could be justified as righteous anger, too! I went to bed and pretended to go to sleep. No more talking to him. As God would have it, he began talking to me in my sulking state. Bringing to mind the VERY chapter I just read entitled, "ANGER." In this chapter Mr. Bridges encourages us to ask ourselves, "How would God have me respond to this situation? How can I best glorify God by my response?" I really wanted God to side with me. Instead, He is growing me, stretching me, and this morning in our regular time together we had quite the conversation. I have repented to the Lord, but have not apologized to my husband :-) I will, I will....